I wonder how many of us have smelt the history of bygone times in the “Tangy air” when we were in school. Did you hear the sounds of the marching beats of the English, the Portugese, or the Dutch? As you stared into the rocky sea from your classroom window, did you imagine how the traders from yonder lands had landed on the tangy coast?
Well, history points out that Tangasseri was once a favourite settlement of the Portuguese, the Dutch and the English in succession. Today, it showcases a few ruined forts built by the Portuguese, and the Dutch and some 18th century churches. I hear that what remains of the 16 th century fort (seen in the pic)built by the Portugese maybe less that a quarter of what actually existed almost 30 years ago. Although believed to be protected by the Archeological Survey of India, these relics are now at the mercy of encroachers and vandals.Apparently there used to be two cemeteries too in the vicinity of the fort, one belonging to the Dutch and other to the Portuguese. It is indeed a matter of shame that the tangy fort that has stood the test of centuries should be left to this ignominy.
Save the Tangy fort!
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