Saturday, July 14, 2007

In Memory of the great teachers in MCC

Congratulations Sabi and Arthy! Its a great effort from your part to create a blog for the great Mcc class of 89.It really gives a nostalgic feeling to see all these pics here and also motivates me to search for my school photos as soon as I reach home for thisholidays. Do you guys remember the last class of Miss Delphin when she complimented us saying that we were her favourite students that she ever had in Mcc.We were so proud and excited to hear it from a teacher that we really adored.Hey friends out there this is also an opportunity for us to show our gratitude for the great teachers of MCC who paved our way to success.The great values and morals which our teachers conferred on us had helped us to achieve success in all walks of our life.Ms Cabbot, Ms Babu , Ms Prestina Ms Delphin,Ms Rita...........teachers who we cannot forget in our life. Hope this blog leads to a reunion with our great teachers.
Honey Gireesh (class of 89)

Friday, July 13, 2007

What’s the password?

Class of 89…a request… do keep the password (of the blog) within our group. Doesn’t that sound like the Enid Blytons which we used to literally feed on during our MCC days?…how we used to exchange the books and even fight for them…the Secret Seven, Famous Five…and I remember our group of friends even posing as the characters!!

Well on a more serious note, we are ensuring against the flood of irrelevant or obscene posts, spamming and so on. Let us try and keep this blog as our personal online journal.

Of course others outside the batch of 89 can post comments (coz it does not require logging in with our id & password) and if they want to add new posts they can send it to one of us.Simple !



This picture was taken at my place just a few minutes before we were to leave for school to attend our farewell party. It was a night to remember............a night which started with fun, laughter, happiness and excitement....but when it was time for all of us to part ways, it just ended up in despair, sadness and tears. Each and every incident of that night still remains fresh in my memories.

Hey guys! I also feel that I need to say a few words about Indu. She had joined us in MCC in the 6th. At that time, she was not familiar with the Hindi and Malayalam letters. Instead of opting for special English, she decided to go ahead with both these languages. I must really appreciate the determination she had even at that age to come up successfully in whatever she does. In the following years, she became one of the most loved students in MCC.

Thursday, July 12, 2007



I think this picture too was taken at Vazhachal. I get irritated quite often when my kids splash water and enjoy that. If we at 15+ could do that and find amusement in it.............then why not they??
(from arthy's album)


This picture was taken at Vazhachal, one of the places we visited during out tour in the 10th. You guys were the pillars of strength for me. I now wonder how I moved on in life without your support. I always have this question in mind as to how we lost touch with one another?
(from arthy's album)

CLASS 7...........1986

The only class photo I have in my collection. Though I've gone through this picture a lot many times before, it's only now that it dawned upon me that I have a son who's doing his 7th. This picture was taken when I was his age and it's really unbelievable that so many years have passed by and it all looks like yesterday. That was Sr. Helen, our class teacher for that year. The only thing that I remember about her is that she was our Science teacher and that she always used to mistake Geetha for me and me for Geetha. I don't know if you guys remember that we were called "twins" while at school. Though we didn't find any striking resemblance between us, we very much enjoyed when others felt it that way. There are so many sweet memories associated with school life. I'm sure you will all agree with me if I had to say that our school life was the best phase of our life. The only responsibilty we had then was to study and be a good student. The rest of the work was done by our school and its faculty, doing all they could to mould us into perfect human beings. How can we ever forget the values that were inculcated in us, all through our school years?? This blog has formed a perfect platform for us to express our gratitude to all those who were responsible for moulding us.
PS.Click on the foto for an enlarged view.

Those were the days...a visual journey!

Do you remember those days in MCC... navy blue overalls and pigtails or braids as long as you had a bit of a black ribbon sticking out…the luckier ones had it short and sweet though…???

Check out how many faces you remember …or better still identify yourself !! And if you come forward,you get a cookie (at our reunion- promise!).

Many many thanks are due to Arthy for having made the effort to upload them on Orkut from her personal collection ...and for having given the permission to be uploaded here.

Now friends…please rummage through your cupboards and suitcases (and know not where all ?!) and bring out some of those fotos from school…please…and let’s display them here...straight from the archives...never mind if they are partly moth-eaten or ink stained …makes it more authentic and antique…and someday we can auction it for a neat price:)

ps. you may upload the fotos or send to sabina : OR

MCC on ORKUT !!!

Carmelites have been bonding big time on Orkut. There are several Mount Carmel Communities on Orkut. Thank you Orkut for bringing the mount carmel family together !! A round of applause for those who started the communities!! Great job Carmelites !!

1. Mount Carmel Convent,Kollam
Owner: Jilu George
Members: 769

2. The Great Mount Carmel AIGHS

Owner: Priya Venugopal
Members: 191


Owner: Nita Sudheer
Members: 104

4.Mt.Carmel Convent .A.I.G.H.S

Owner: Arathy Satheesan
Members: 282

5.The Great MCC-1988 batch
Owner: Deepa Gonzago
Moderators: Jyoti,Deepa,Suchitra
Members: 5

PS. The number of members mentioned here are as on July 12,2007. Great to see the numbers increasing everyday…let’s keep it going! If I have left out any MCC community on Orkut,do add it here or let me know. Sabina

6.Summer of '92 (MCC Girls)
Owner : Jacqueline Michael
Members: 11 (as on July 19,2007)

7.MCC Boarding

Owner: Ria John
Members: 26(as on July 19,2007)

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Class of '82 - happy reunion!

Quite an inspiration for us all. To the organizers of this reunion, architects behind the carmelites82 blog and for the amazing display of rare fotos from the school goes hip hip hurray!

click on this link and be prepared for a nostalgic trip down memory lane...a flashback to the MCC in the 70's/80's and a flashforward to the present!!
Hope other batches will follow suit...we the class of '89 certainly hope the first step we have managed to kickstart a blog for our batch!


That was a tremendous effort on your part to create a blog like this for our batch. I’m sure it’s going to be appreciated by one and all. I too had felt that we needed to form a group so that our chats would remain private and not be spread out, as is the case with Orkut. But not to forget, it was this same web site that brought all of us together again. Not even once had I thought that I would be able to get in touch with all of you yet again in my life. Even though we are miles away from one another, we are now able to exchange words as well as share our day to day activities. What more can we ask for? Now there’s definitely a hope that we all can get together someday. I remember while we were parting ways, back in 89, we were consoling each other that the world is round and that we’ll get to see each other someday. But I definitely didn’t believe in it then. Whatever way it may be, I thank god that at least now we all could get in touch with one another. Let us keep our friendship alive.
Arthy (class of '89)

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Why a 'class of '89 blog' ?

It feels good (re)connecting after a span of almost two decades. “Why did we lose touch after school?” a school friend's sincere query set me thinking. I have been trying to figure out a convincing answer.Maybe we just moved on and on in life. Perhaps we were caught in the pressures of study, making a career, settling down, family and kids. But I’m glad that in the midst of these some of us stood firm in connecting with school friends. Cheers to those! For those like me (who belong to the former!) perhaps this is the chance to connect and rekindle our friendships.

Well the idea of a class blog dawned on me after having found several of my classmates on orkut. We exchanged our telephone numbers and our mailing addresses. We talked of meeting up at least wherever we are located. There was also talk of a school reunion. Meanwhile I chanced upon a blog of the class of ’82. Pictures from the school archives, personal information and snapshots of their family and their reunion last year(2006) were so overwhelming. If they could, why can’t we?

So here it is. The class of ’89 MCC finds a place in the "blog world". I believe I have only attempted the first kick. You need to keep the ball rolling ;)…posts, fotos, updates…anything and everything you feel should be on display. Go ahead and write your memories of school, teachers, friends who left us, ideas for reunions …(but please keep forwards,jokes and games for other sites lest we be flooded with spams and junkmails !!)

Perhaps this could be a way to stay in touch…wherever we are…I know that life has moved on a great deal after the MCC days…and some of our friends even have kids going to our same old school! perhaps we are comfortable relating to our more recent friends…but believe me it feels nostalgic to at least occasionally take the trip down memory lane with school friends who still remember you in those navy blue overalls and with all your naughtiness, vulnerability and perhaps naiveté!! This blog may be seen as a space to revive old friendships or even forge new ones, of sharing related interests or just being there for each other in times of need. It sure is going to be an enriching and unique experience for us, a bonding which is becoming increasingly uncommon in today’s fast paced world.

All it requires to keep the blog going is a few minutes of your time, perhaps when you want to take a break from your busy schedules at home or at work. Trust me,you don’t need to be great writers for this. All it counts is your genuine thoughts. So just scribble what you feel. C’mon it’s not your ICSE English exam…:)

I would like to add that we do not wish to confine ourselves to our batch of ’89. We have related links to connect with other classes and batches from the extended Mount Carmel fraternity. So here’s a chance to reconnect the old share and collaborate on related interests,to extend help on personal and professional fronts and perhaps even strike business deals !!.... Besides if there’s a chance to give back to our ‘alma mater’ in some way, let us come together and think along those lines too.

warm regards,sabina (for the class of '89)

Down memory lane...

The office block which housed Sr.Patricia's office and the fee counter...where we used to tread noiselessly...the only people who were not afraid to shout were perhaps the lovebirds...and what a cacophony !...strain hard and you might see the birds in the cage...remember spending many a lunchbreak way back in the primary school watching the birds!!

For some more interesting fotos of school (especially the new block), click on this link

If you have old/recent ones please add them here.

MCC - a walk through history

The history of Mount Carmel Convent dates back to the colonial times. Known as the Mount Carmel European School, this seat of learning was founded on July 22nd, 1885. Post Indian independence (1947),the school was rechristened Mount Carmel Anglo-Indian Girls’ School. True to its motto Hold Your Light on High, this 122-year-old institution is dedicated to igniting the flame of knowledge and wisdom in its students and inspiring them to keep it burning.

Mount Carmel Anglo Indian Girls’ High School has over the years established itself as a prestigious institution reputed for its quality education and adherence to values. It is affiliated to the ICSE and ISC Board, New Delhi and has over 4500 students and 150 staff. It is a day school as well as a residential one with boarding facilities. The carmelites are known to excel in academics as well as in in co-curricular activities.The school management ably supported by the staff have been able to blend the old -school traditions along with modern technology.