How well do you know MCC?
1.What was the music played during our regular morning march past?
2.What was the newspaper read at the morning assembly?
3.What was the most popular drink at “Matha stores” while at MCC?
4.What was the price of the popular “sip-up” or “cool-sip”?
5.Did the lines on our school tie (house identification) slant from right to left or left to right?
...and the curriculum?
6.What was the name of the English poetry text we read in Class X?
7. Which novel of Uroob (Malayalam) did we study in class X?
8.The name of the "controversial"chapter in the Malayalam travelogue that was invariably skipped?
9.The ICSE maths textbook was popularly known by the name of the author/publisher. Who?
10.What were the two games we studied in the Physical education theory class?
This is for sheer fun… try it if you can and leave your answers as comments. We’ll see who comes up with the best/right answers. We promise prizes at our reunion after a consensus)! ;)sabina
Quiz is open only till Aug 10 hurry !
Sabi, you have definitely made me realize the fact that I have a very poor memory. But 20 years is too long a time, isn't it? Let me see how bad it is anyways!!!!
Now for the answers....
1) I know we used to love hearing it in full blast then. But no idea as to what it was.
2) Was it "The Indian Express"?
3) It’s ice-cream soda for sure coz I used to love it.
4) I think it was 1 rupee
5) I did some cheating here. I went through our class 7 photo. But ironically, I see the slant both ways. Some has it from right to left while some has it from left to right. Therefore, I myself am confused.
6) I think it was Panorama
7) I remember that we had to study 3 books...13 European countries, Vyazhavatta Smaranakal and the 3rd one.....hmmmm. Now which one is Uroob's ????
8) I swear I remember that we had skipped one chapter.
9) O.P.Sinhal.
10) Basket ball for sure. Now what was the other one.....I do remember studying something about the net. So it got to Volleyball or long tennis or badminton.
My goodness! I indeed have a very poor memory.
To be honest Sabi, I've been avoiding this great blog that u and arthy have created, coz its too nostalgic. So though I check it out almost everyday, didnt wanna leave comments. But the quiz is toooooo tempting and dont mind makin a fool of myself. Quiz and Me!!! Hmmm. :)
1) I think the prayer was Father we thank thee,,,and the afternoon prayer was Guardian angel something and the eve was Jesus tender somethin....Cld be wrong, coz i was in St. Joseph as well...but heart was in MCC.
2) Definitely "The Indian Express"....Doubt it cld have been "The Hindu". LOL.
3) No idea,,,
4) Me thinks 1 rupee too.
5) Dont remember...
Luckily I have an excuse like always for all the next q's related to academics and the one I am gonna use here is that I didnt do my high scholl there. he he he.
So basically, I think I might have the ones on the prayer right,,,coz i feel somehow prayers have always helped me...esp durin exams when I wldnt have studied anything!!! LOL. So maybe I remember right,,,if not i remember those prayers from somewhere. :)
And now I'm wondering why did I wanna take this quiz...coz i answered questions not asked!!! lol.
Hey! I just remembered. The 3rd book we learned in Malayalam was Mindapennu. Now I got all the 3. But which one was Uroob's????
keep leaving your answers...and also comments...they're better than the answers for sure;)...will give the answers sooon...i'm trying to figure out a few myself;)
hi sabi, first letmego straight tothe questions,
1.i knw it was the sound of drums, even though we wanted to march to the tunes of george.m , modern talkin..... and it went on like this..lft, lft, lft rt lft....
2.this section of assembly, idreaded,cos i,never wanted to stand there and read INDIAN EXPRESS.
3.was itMathaor GUjarathi store, ithink we called it sip-upand i always went 4 thepink flavor
4.,i thik it was 50.paise.
5.did it really matter to us. anywayiwas proud towear the one with green linesand i think mine slanted frmrt to lft.
6.its panoramma ofcourse, but r,ber,vin atuff time with all those texts.
7.i think ,its minda pennu, and this reminds me of a line frm th is book which we, used to keepon chanting.... veena kambi , murukkku murruku....
8.i remember this chapter , ,cos there was lot of fun regarding this chap, and how we got carmelto read this chap and that to by the side of the chapel,. and all the thrillthat was on our faces,,<4 gettin ,enlightened>,, there was morefun ,abt which i,ll talk later. , the chapter was berlin oru matinee.
9. that was O.P. SINHAL, and thanx to miss DELPHIN 4 puttin, all that stuff into my head,
10. this was my fav. subject., i think we learned volley balland my basket ball, theories, really enjoyed master hickmans classesand i,m sure all of us will r,mber his famous lines.... when the ball is hit high,and whenthe ball is put in the basket....and remember , how we attended his classes.
good old days, let us cherish those good memories....
and once againsabi, abig thank u, 4 creating this great blog of 89 batch.... lookin 4-ward for more ....
let us all take an effortto make the reunion happen
, fortunately, we were a bunch of, vibrant, fun loving, intelligentand of beautiful creatures of god....cheers to 89 batch
Good information thank you closely monitor your success.
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